Welcome to the Tina Cloud Starter

The Tina Cloud project is an opinionated approach to working with the TinaCMS system that enables you to focus on building sites the way you're already used to. To that end, we've developed a GraphL API which allows you to define a schema for your filesystem. Once you've defined a schema, all you need to do is run a query against it, we'll look at that query and build your Tina forms for you automatically.

We've given you a couple of files and a very basic schema to get you started. Check them out and have a read through the comments throughout the application files.

For now we only support markdown files, but in the near future we'll open that up to whatever structured format you like!

You're looking at the main landing page, it's a markdown file which you can find at "content/marketing-pages/index.md".

This page is admittedly pretty boring, but what's neat about it is that you can actually edit the content right here from the context of your website. Click on the "Edit Page" tab in the top-right corner to get started!

We've built a few pages for you to get started, take a look around and see if you can figure out how to build your own pages and templates.

  "__typename": "LandingPage_Doc_Data",
  "blocks": [
      "__typename": "Message_Data",
      "messageHeader": "Welcome to the Tina Cloud Starter",
      "messageBody": "The Tina Cloud project is an opinionated approach to working with the TinaCMS system that enables you to focus on building sites the way you're already used to. To that end, we've developed a GraphL API which allows you to define a schema for your filesystem. Once you've defined a schema, all you need to do is run a query against it, we'll look at that query and build your Tina forms for you automatically.\n\nWe've given you a couple of files and a very basic schema to get you started. Check them out and have a read through the comments throughout the application files.\n\nFor now we only support markdown files, but in the near future we'll open that up to whatever structured format you like!\n\nYou're looking at the main landing page, it's a markdown file which you can find at \"content/marketing-pages/index.md\".\n\nThis page is admittedly pretty boring, but what's neat about it is that you can actually edit the content right here from the context of your website. Click on the \"Edit Page\" tab in the top-right corner to get started!\n\nWe've built a few pages for you to get started, take a look around and see if you can figure out how to build your own pages and templates.\n"